The Influence of Treasury Single Account Implementation on Public Sector Performance: A Case Study of Selected Parastatals in South East Nigeria (2010-2019) 1Udenta, Nkiruka C., 2Olewe, B. N. and 3Udenta, Jude O. E. 1Department of Political Science Enugu State...

Download PDF Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Work Behavior and Performance: A Case Study of Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu (2015-2022) 1Anikeze Nnaemeka Hillary, 2Patience Nnenna Okoronkwo and 3Abonyi Jonas Uchenna 1Department of Public...

DOWNLOAD PDF Tertiary Education Trust Fund Provision of Physical Infrastructure and Performance of State Owned Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State, Nigeria 1Patience Nnenna Okoronkwo, 2Anikeze Nnaemeka Hillary and 3Abonyi, Jonas Uchenna 1Department of Public...

NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT (NIJCIAM)                                                    Volume 4 Issue 1 2024 Development Journalism in Nigeria: Unveiling Potentials and Confronting Challenges Bitikoro Faith U. Full Text...

Enhancing Security in Internet of Things (IoT) Architecture through Defense-in-Depth Mechanism: A Comprehensive Study 1Chika Lilian Onyagu, 2Okonkwo Obikwelu, 3Akawuku Godspower and 4Joshua John 1Department of Cybersecurity, Faculty of Computing and Information...

Exploring Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Topic Modeling: Theory, Applications, and Future Directions 1Ugorji C. Calistus, 2Moses O. Onyesolu, 3Asogwa C. Doris and 4Chukwudumebi V. Egwu     1, 2,3.4 Department of Computer Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University,...