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Transformational Leadership in the Digital Transformation Era: Strategies for Effective Organizational Change

  Ugwuja, Chinelo .G.

Department of Management University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria


The rapid advancement of digital technology has profoundly impacted organizations, necessitating new leadership approaches to navigate the complexities of the digital age. This review explores the intersection of transformational leadership and digital transformation, emphasizing how leaders can effectively drive organizational change. By examining key components of transformational leadership individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence this study highlights the essential strategies leaders must adopt to foster innovation, engage employees, and ensure successful digital transformation. Case studies and best practices from various industries are analyzed to provide practical insights and recommendations for future research and application.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Digital Transformation, Strategies, and Organizational Change

CITE AS: Ugwuja, Chinelo .G. (2024). Transformational Leadership in the Digital Transformation Era: Strategies for Effective Organizational Change. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT, 4(2):108-113.