Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Post Abortion Care among Health Workers at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

Apio Christine, Atwine Barnabas, Abura Geoffrey and Musimenta Allen

Department of Nursing Sciences, Kampala International University Uganda


Abortion is still a public health dilemma in developing countries Uganda inclusive.  Abortion is illegal in Uganda, and unsafe abortion is responsible for at least 30% of all maternal deaths. Each year, an estimated 297,000 induced abortions are performed in Uganda, and nearly 85,000 women are treated for complications, as a result of unsafe abortion.  Descriptive cross sectional study design was used which employed quantitative methods and the findings of the study indicated that most of the health workers had knowledge on abortion and PAC.  Data is presented in both tables and figures. The health workers had adequate knowledge (95%) on PAC, however the practice of PAC services was not adequate enough to assist the health workers implement the components efficiently. Majority (82%) of the health workers lacked enough skills especially in family planning services and reproductive health services. Understanding the service provider-related challenges and overcoming them can enhance sufficient service provision. Effective support and supervision should be done regularly to guide, help and encourage staff so as to improve their performance in order to provide high quality PAC services.  This can lead to early detection of the common challenges faced by the units that deter appropriate management so that they provide high quality PAC services to avert the effects that are experienced by women after an abortion hence reducing on the burden of maternal morbidity and mortality in Uganda. 

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, Post Abortion Care,

CITE AS: Apio Christine, Atwine Barnabas, Abura Geoffrey and Musimenta Allen (2024). Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Post Abortion Care among Health Workers at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES, 5(3):105-113