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Impact of Regulatory Reforms on Pharmacy Practice in Uganda

Njeri Nyambura Kendi

Faculty of Biological Sciences Kampala International University Uganda


Access to safe and effective medicines is crucial for public health, particularly in low-resource settings like rural Uganda. Regulatory reforms in Uganda’s pharmaceutical sector have aimed to enhance pharmacy practice, medication safety, and compliance with international standards. Recent amendments to the Pharmacy and Drugs Act have strengthened oversight, requiring pharmacies to adhere to Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) guidelines for improved medication dispensing and storage. Challenges persist, including resource constraints and uneven enforcement across regions, impacting compliance and quality of pharmaceutical services. The methodology used in writing this review involved conducting a comprehensive literature review of scholarly articles, reports from government agencies such as the Uganda National Drug Authority (NDA) and Ministry of Health, and recent studies on regulatory reforms, Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) guidelines implementation, challenges in compliance and enforcement, and improvements in medication management and inventory control in Uganda’s pharmaceutical sector. Collaboration among stakeholders and continued regulatory improvements offer opportunities to enhance pharmacy practice and patient-centered care. Despite progress, ongoing efforts are needed to address compliance challenges and ensure consistent enforcement, aiming for sustainable improvements in medication management and patient safety nationwide.

Keywords: Regulatory reforms, Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) guidelines, Medication safety, Healthcare outcomes, Uganda.

CITE AS: Njeri Nyambura Kendi (2024). Impact of Regulatory Reforms on Pharmacy Practice in Uganda. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND   EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES, 5(3):22-25.