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Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Work Behavior and Performance: A Case Study of Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu (2015-2022)

1Anikeze Nnaemeka Hillary, 2Patience Nnenna Okoronkwo and 3Abonyi Jonas Uchenna

1Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Science Enugu state university of science and Technology.

2Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Science National Open University of Nigeria

3Department of Public Administration, School of Business Studies, Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), ENUGU



This study examines the influence of organizational culture on the work behavior and performance of employees within the Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu, covering the period from 2015 to 2022. The research investigates the effects of motivation, leadership style, and work environment on employees’ behavior and performance. A mixed-methods approach involving descriptive research design, interviews, questionnaires, and statistical analysis was utilized to gather and analyze data. Findings reveal that organizational culture significantly impacts employee behavior and performance, with factors such as motivation, leadership style, and work environment playing crucial roles. The study underscores the importance of fostering a conducive organizational culture to enhance employee performance and achieve organizational goals.

Keywords: Organizational culture, work behavior, performance, motivation, leadership style, work environment, Nigeria Immigration Services, Enugu.


The success or failure of any organization depends largely on its organizational culture. In any organization there is the challenge of establishing an effective organizational culture which is an essential element to improve employees work behavior and performance [1-5]. In most West African state, of which Enugu State is not an exception, many promising organization had failed due to poor organizational culture [6-7]. The organizational culture of any cooperate body is an indispensable ingredient that determine to a large the willingness of the employees to pursue and achieve the organization’s goals [8-9]. Therefore, there is the need to provide enabling and conducive environment which will improve the employee’s work behavior and performance, since an employee with positive work behavior is more disposed in achieving the organization’s objective [10-13]. No organization will function effectively without a positive workforce, determined to pursue and meet the fundamental objective for which the organization was established [14-16]. From the foregoing discussion, it is evident that the impact of organizational culture on employee’s work behavior and performance in any institution cannot be overemphasized. The Nigeria immigration services is a governmental organization saddled with the responsibilities of maintaining border security and management of migration in Nigeria [17-18]. It was established by the Act of parliament in 1963. In 2015, the 1963 Act was repelled and replaced with the immigration Act, 2015 which positions the services with the legal instrument to combat smuggling of migrants in Nigeria [7]. However, since the establishment of the organization there is very little achievement of the organization in maintaining border security and curtailing the smuggling of migrant. Nigeria has witnessed countless insecurity, as a result of the porous nature of its boarder. The smuggling of migrant and contraband goods has been on the increase not withstanding huge funding of the organization by both the federal government and state government [19-20]. It is based on the foregoing background that the researcher wishes to investigate the impact of organizational culture on employees work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu from 2019 to 2022.

Statement of the problem

In recent times Nigeria as a state had witnessed countless insecurity, the smuggling of migrant to cause untold havoc has been causing sleepless night to well-meaning Nigerians. It is not uncommon to see smuggled and contraband goods in all nooks and crony of Nigeria states. The immigration services had failed Nigerians’ expectations in maintaining our board security and to curtail to the barest minimum the immigration of illegal migrant. Notwithstanding the incessant recruitment of employees and the huge funding of the organization by both the federal and state governments. Nigeria economy has been devastated as a result of fake and contraband goods, insecurity, and insurgencies. If Nigeria immigration services had met up with tier fundamental responsibilities of maintaining board security, curtailing the smuggling of contraband goods, it will in no small way help to boast Nigerian economy, and also reduce insurgences to the barest minimum. These obvious observed problems called the researcher’s urgent attention to investigate the impact of organizational culture on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu from 2015-2022.

Objective of the study

The overall objective of the study is to determine the impact of organizational culture on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services Enugu from 2019-2022. Specifically the study seek to determine

  1. The effect of motivation on employees’ work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services Enugu
  2. The effect of good leadership on the employee work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu
  • The effect of work environment on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study

  1. What are the effect of motivation and incentives on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration service Enugu from 2015 to 2022?
  2. What are the effect of good leadership style on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria Immigration Services, Enugu from 2015 to 2022?
  3. What are the effect of conducive work environment on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu from 2015 to 2022?


The following hypothesis test at 0.05 level of significance were formulated for the study

H1: There is no significance effect between organizational culture and employee’s work behavior

H2:  There is significance effect between organizational culture and employee’s work behavior

Scope of the study

The study is limited to discovering the impact of organizational culture on employees work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu from 2015 to 2022. The study covers the impact of motivation and incentive on Nigeria immigration employee’s work behavior and performances, the impact of good leadership on Nigeria immigration service employee’s work behavior and performance, the impact of communication on Nigeria immigration service employee’s work behavior and performance and the impact of work environment on Nigeria immigration service employees’ work behavior and performances.

Significance of the study

The findings of this research will be of immense benefits to managers, Nigeria immigration services workers, public administration students and the society at large. The findings of this research will be an eye opener to managers of public organization, it will expose the managers of public organization on the overriding importance of employing organizational culture techniques such as providing good leadership, and conductive work environment and incentive which will help improve the employees’ work behavior which will invariably lead to a better performance. On the same vein, the findings of the study in no small way will be of great benefits to immigration services workers on the ground that the workers will be exposed on the needs to adhere to the core values, traditions and laid down principles set by the organization which are indispensable in achieving the goals and objective of the organization. From the findings of the study, the immigration workers will have a better understanding that they have a crucial role to play to ensure that the goals and objective of which the Nigeria immigration services was established are melt. The findings of the study will be of immense help to incumbent and prospective government both at state and federal level as it will enlighten and widen their knowledge on the area of organizational culture that needs innovation, through the findings of the study they will come to realize the importance of ensuring that public administrators update their knowledge and skills from time to time, so as to meet up with the challenges of employing the right and effective organizational culture that will lead to a better employee work behavior and performance of the Nigeria immigration services. 


Conceptual framework

The organization culture is the set of norms, values and beliefs according to which the employee should behave in a company. It is actually how things are practiced in a corporation and is the important factor for organizational success and growth. The purpose and objective of organization culture are both employee satisfaction and organization productivity. As organization culture represents an independent variable, which is affecting many other variables either positively or negatively in a firm. Therefore, organizational culture influences some specific variables such as productivity, absenteeism, turnover, organization citizenship and job satisfaction. The concept of organizational culture, in particular, has been generating a lot of interest in both research and practice in recent times [8]. It has so far attracted significant interest in both the academic and business world because of a tantalizing promise: that culture may be a key to enhancing financial performance [8]. Organizational culture is a set of different value system which can help an organization to run itself and run a successful business [9]. Organizational culture helps employees to understand the functioning of the organizations by sharing its norms, values and rules and regulation of organization [10]. According to [12] organizational culture has remarkable effect on employee‘s commitment and performance. If the employees of the organization have more understanding with the organizational culture they will have more job Satisfaction [14]. [12], defined organization culture is a setup of behavior, attitude and values. According to [9], in his study, job satisfaction is a part of employee job. If it affects positively, it motivate employee to job satisfaction otherwise it leads to job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is emotional ability of employee related to positive and negative aspect of its job experiences [12]. Environment of organization and employee‘s personal traits can influence its job satisfaction [11]. A committed employee is the person who stay with the organization in tough condition and try to fulfill the organizational goals [12], cited in [9].  According to [12], organizational culture and employee performance has strong relationship, but organizations with negative organizational culture faces lack of employee commitment.


[8], stated that employees’ performance is depending on the willingness and also the openness of the employees itself on doing their job. He also stated that by having this willingness and openness of the employees in doing their job, it could increase the employees’ productivity which also leads to the performance. James (2013) also explained that to have a standard performance, employers have to get the employees task to be done on track as to achieve the organization goal or target. By having the work or job done on track, employers could be able to monitor their employees and help them to improve their performance. Furthermore, a reward system should be implemented based on the performance of the employees. This is to motivate the employees in order to perform more on their task.

There are several factors that being described by [9] towards the success of the employees’ performance. The factors are such as physical work environment, equipment, meaningful work, performance expectation, feedback on performance, reward for good or bad system, standard operating procedures, knowledge, skills and attitudes. [11], defined performance that relies on internal motivation but presence of internal factors such as necessary skills, intellectual capacity and resources to do the job clearly have an impact. As a consequence employers are supposed to provide appropriate working conditions in order to make sure the performance of employees meet the required standards. There is a positive and statistically significant association connecting organizational culture and employee performance [12]. A recent study titled culture and employee performance, found that the culture has a meaningful impact on personality as well as the commitment of the employee but it does not have a statistical significant influence on the worker performance [13]. A crucial dimension of organizational culture, namely innovative culture exerts a significant and beneficial influence on the employee performance [8]. Another study conducted by [9], shows the effectiveness of the organizational culture and how the organizational culture helps to achieve management requirements. Moreover, organizational culture also influences the managerial performance and knowledge management in various organizations [9].


The term “incentives”, “Rewards”, and “Recognition” are used interchangeably in the organization setting and there is no broader difference among them. However, the main category is the incentives. [13], defines incentives as any source or medium that encourages an employee or group of employee’s to perform better and to exert more effort beyond expectations. Basically incentives are divided into two main groups: Financial incentives and non-financial. Financial incentives include direct payment of cash while non-financial incentives may be in the form of promotion of employee’s, flexible time, autonomy and involvement in decision making. [14], state that incentives are one technique by which employee’s‟ carry out their end of the employment contract, that is, compensating employee’s for their efforts. In general, an incentive scheme (payment or programme) is any compensation that has been designed to recognize some specific accomplishment on the part of an employee. It is expected that the prospect of the incentive payment will „trigger‟ the desired employee’s productivity behaviour in the employee. Incentives are either individual or group (organization wide). In this study, financial incentives are designed to motivate employee’s to improve their employee’s productivity – to increase effort and output and by producing better results expressed in such terms as objectives for profit, productivity, sales turnover, cost reduction, quality customer service and on time delivery [14]. This financial compensation provides extra money for achievement in terms of contribution or output. The emphasis in financial compensation is on equity, in the sense of paying people according to their just „deserts‟. Incentive schemes relate compensation to productivity. A primary purpose of an incentive scheme is to encourage greater productivity from individuals and work groups. The assumption usually made by management is that money or cash alone may not motivate employees. In designing incentive schemes, output standards should be established. The standard is a measure of work that an average, well-trained employee, working at a normal pace, should be able to accomplish in a given period of time. In addition to motivating employee’s to increase their level of productivity, incentive schemes may reduce turnover among good performers or productive workers. Incentive schemes are also cost effective because of savings that often resulted from productivity improvements.


The strong determination shown by a leader to ensure all individuals in a group are inspired and encouraged to exert maximum effort to attain organizational set objectives and goals is known as leadership [9]. Tactics displayed by a leader as a means of providing direction, planning, implementing and motivating the team are recognized as leadership responsibilities. Consequently, what has been suggested above indicates that the key component of a successful organization is leadership. Besides, leadership encompasses communicating and guiding team members, empowering, encouraging and inspiring them to earnestly work towards accomplishing organizational desired set goals. For employees to provide their best for the success of an organization, it calls for leadership qualities that strategically focuses and implements behavioural tactics that build employee commitment [11]. Further indicated that it is widely agreed that effective leadership is not easy to come by, it is a multifaceted and is known to be dependent on particular elements such as, difficulty of tasks, extend at which the leader gives authority and the maturity and competence of employees. However, [12] added that complexity of leadership has been intensified by the current pandemic. Hence, the need for leaders who are responsible, innovative and determined to confront unanticipated devastating changes and pursue attaining positive effect in relation to productivity. The complexity and in definability of the word leadership may be the reason which makes it difficult to come up with a single definition for the concept. [13], noted the complexity of the phenomenon and proclaims that there could be no single meaning of leadership that may cover all circumstances. To reconcile the discrepancies noted on definitions of leadership the [15], came up with an umbrella description which is acceptable to the majority of researchers and theorists. [14], present a definition that defines leadership as ‘‘a process of influence whereby, an individual can solicit full support from subordinates to meet the set goals or defined duties’’. Similarly, [16] defined leadership as “people who create direction for team members and gain the commitment of the members and finally motivate them to attain the intended outcome”. However, considering all the above definitions of prior and current literature about leadership, the provided meanings varied, but one common facet noted is that all leaders strive to influence employees to meet targets, set goals and objectives of the organization which in turn enhance productivity. Transformational, laissez-faire and transactional leadership styles are expounded in the succeeding section.


Working environment plays an important role towards the employees ‘performance. Working environment is argued to impact immensely on employees’ performance either towards negative or the positive outcomes [14]. In the world, there are international organizations who debate the rights of employee. Most people spend fifty percent of their lives within indoor environments, which greatly influence their mental status, actions, abilities and performance [15]. Better outcomes and increased productivity is assumed to be the result of better workplace environment. Better physical environment of office will boosts the employees and ultimately improve their productivity. Various literature pertain to the study of multiple offices and office buildings indicated that the factors such as dissatisfaction, cluttered workplaces and the physical environment are playing a major role in the loss of employees’ productivity [18]. In the 1990’s, the factors of work environment had changed due to the changes in several factors such as the social environment, information technology and the flexible ways of organizing work processes [17]. When employees’ are physically and emotionally fit will have the desire to work and their performance outcomes shall be increased. Moreover, a proper workplace environment helps in reducing the number of absenteeism and thus can increase the employees’ performance which leads to increased productivity at the workplace [12]. As the Economic and Social Council reported in 2007, global economic growth is increasingly failing to create the kinds of new and better jobs that can lead to a reduction in poverty. Despite high and sustained economic growth in many developing countries, unemployment is rising, a large proportion of the labour force is working below poverty level wages, and the majority of non-agricultural employment is situated in the informal economy. It is of little surprise that in recent years there has been a shift of focus from a singular interest in economic growth to an enlarged concern with improving the quality of work. Governments from across Africa have forcefully called for action to overcome these challenges. The African Union Extraordinary Summit on Employment and Poverty Alleviation in Africa [12], overwhelmingly endorsed the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda with an emphasis on the creation of conducive work environment so as to boast productivity in the African economy.


Expectancy Theory

The most widely accepted explanations of motivation have been propounded by Victor Vroom. His theory is commonly known as expectancy theory. The theory argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a specific way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual to make this simple [8]. Expectancy theory says that an employee can be motivated to perform better when there is a belief that the better performance will lead to good performance appraisal and shall result into realization of personal goal in form of some reward future events. The theory focuses on three things efforts and performance relationship, performance and reward relationship, rewards and personal goal relationship [12]. This theory is based on the hypothesis that individuals adjust their behavior in the organization on the basis of anticipated satisfaction of valued goals set by them. In order for employees to perform in this theory is by making sure each employee’s workplace goals and values are aligned with the organization’s mission and vision is important for creating and maintaining a high level of motivation. That can lead to higher productivity, improve employee performance, reduce the chances of low employee morale, encourage teamwork and instill a positive attitude during challenging times [9].

Goal-Setting Theory

The goal-setting theory had been proposed by Edwin Locke in the year 1968. This theory suggests that the individual goals established by an employee play an important role in motivating him for superior performance. Skills required include the ability to engage employees in mutual goal setting clarify role expectations and provide regular performance feedback. Time and energy will also need to be given to providing relevant performance incentives, managing processes, providing adequate resources and workplace training. It also advice that in order to drive the organization to peak performance managers and supervisors must put out front the human face of their organization. Principle here is the human-to-human interaction through providing individualized support and encouragement to each and every employee [8]. Employee performance is a major multidimensional construct aimed to achieve results and has a strong link with planned goals of an organization [11]. Performance is the key multi character factor intended to attain outcomes which has a major connection with planned objectives of the organization [13]. Employees ‘goals achievement in this theory is by creating of work environment attractive, comfortable, satisfactory and motivating to employees so as to give them a sense of pride and purpose in what they do. How working environment is designed and occupied affects not only how people feel, but also their work performance, commitment to their employer, and the creation of new knowledge in the organization [9].


Research Design

Research design refers to a plan which shows the strategy of an inquiry thought appropriate to the research. For the purpose of this study, descriptive research design was used. The descriptive design describes phenomena as they exist. It issued to identify and obtain information on the characteristics of a particular problem or issue. Descriptive research design was selected because it has the advantage of producing good amount of responses from a wide range of people. Also, this design provides a meaningful and accurate picture of events and seeks to explain people’s perception and behavior on the basis of the data collected. The advantage with this design is that it helps to find views as they are in their natural setting.

Population of the Study

A population is any group of individuals that has one or more characteristics in common and that are of interest to the researcher. Therefore, the target population of this study included human resources officers, head of departments, directors who manage human resources and staff members. The total population size at Immigration service commission Enugu is 120 employees.

Sample Size and Sampling Techniques

In this study, a sample of 50 respondents of both senior and junior employees was drawn using simple random sampling techniques. A breakdown of the sample is presented in Table 3.1

Table 1: Sample Composition of the Study

Participants Target Population Size Sample Size
Human resources officers 4 4
Head of departments 40 10
Directors 15 5
Staff members 61 31
TOTAL 120 50

Source: Researcher

Data Collection Methods

In this study both primary and secondary data were used as methods of data collection. Primary data are those data which have been collected for the first time such as questionnaire while secondary data are those data that has been collected by someone else and exist somewhere.

Data Collection Tools

According to [7] no single technique or instrument may be considered to be adequate in itself in collecting valid and reliable data. Therefore two major tools were used to obtain adequate and reliable information for this study. These include interviews and questionnaires of both structured and semi-structured nature. This study used data collection tools which involve observation, interview and questionnaires.

Data Analysis

Data from the answered questionnaires in this study was analyzed by using simple percentages. The results were presented in tables and chart form. The computer package used for analysis of the hypothesis is the SPSS.


Data elicited from the respondents were presented, analyzed and interpreted.

Research Question 1

What are the impact of motivation and incentives on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration service Enugu?

Table 2: The respondents view on the impact of motivation and incentives on employees work behavior and performance

The following employees motivation/incentive enhance employees work behavior and performance Frequency Percent
Prompt payment of salaries 15 30
Providing child care assistance 11 22
Home and office allowance 10 20
Welfare initiative 8 16
Family and sick leave 6 12
Total 50 100.0

Source: Researcher

Majority of the employees from the table 2 which constitute 30% agreed that prompt payment of salaries influence their work behavior and performance. 22% of the employees said home and office allowance influences their work behavior and performance.  20% of the employees were of the opinion that child care assistance influences their work behavior and performance while 16% of employees said welfare initiative is essential in improving employees work behavior and performances while the remaining 12% of employees agreed that family and sick leave encourage them to work hard. From the findings of the table above, majority of employees agree that there exists a strong relation between employee’s motivation and incentive and employees work behavior and performance. This shows that it is the responsibilities of the organization to provide incentive/motivation which will influence employees to work comfortable and perform their job.

Table 3: The respondents view on the impact good leadership style on employees work behavior and performance

The following leadership style enhance employees work behavior and performance Frequency Percent
Maintaining discipline 10 20
Giving employees sense of belonging 11 22
Honesty and integrity 13 26
Empathy 10 20
Open mindedness and vision 6 12
Total 50 100.0

Source: Researcher, 2023

Majority of the employees from the table 3 which constitute 26% agreed that maintaining honesty and integrity by managers, influence employees’ work behavior and performance. 22% of the employees said giving them a sense of belong influences their work behavior and performance.  20% of the employees were of the opinion that maintaining discipline and empathy influences their work behavior and performance, while the remaining 12% of employees agreed that open mindedness and vision encourage them to work hard. From the findings of the table above, majority of employees agree that there exists a strong relation between leadership style and employees work behavior and performance. This shows that it is the responsibilities of the organization to provide leadership style which will influence positively influence employees’ work behavior and performance.

Research question 3

What are the impact of conducive work environment on employee’s work behavior and performance of Nigeria immigration services, Enugu from 2019 to 2022?

Table 4 the respondents view on the impact of work environment on employees’ work behavior and performance

Conducive work environment Frequency Percent
Cleanliness 16 32
Spacious office/seating space 13 26
Cafeterias/restaurants 11 22
Availability of rest rooms 10 20
Total 50 100.0


Majority of the employees from the table 4 which constitute 32% agreed that maintaining cleanliness of the work environment, influence employees’ work behavior and performance. 26% of the employees said having spacious office and seating space influences their work behavior and performance.  22% of the employees were of the opinion that the presence of cafeterias/restaurants influences their work behavior and performance, while the remaining 20% of employees agreed that the availability of rest rooms influences employees’ work behavior and performance. From the findings of the table above, majority of employees agree that there exists a strong relation between working environment and employees work behavior and performance. This shows that there is the need for the organization to provide enabling environment which will positively influence employees’ work behavior and performance.

Test of Hypothesis

Hypothesis one

H0:  Organizational culture has no significant effect of employee’s work behavior and performance

Table 5 ANOVA

Model Sun of


Df Mean


F Sig.








3.825 .074b
Residual 70838543






Total 93419607


  1. Dependent variable: employee’s work behavior and performance
  2. Predicators: (Constant): Organizational culture

Table 6: Coefficients








T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1.       (Constant)


















Decision of hypothesis one

From the above results, we observe that the coefficient is 0.492 with p-value of 0.074 at 5% significance level indicates that organizational culture does not have a significant effect on employees work behavior and performance. So hypothesis one is accepted.

Hypothesis two:

H2:  Organizational culture has significant effect of employee’s work behavior and performance

Table 7: ANOVA

Model Sun of


Df Mean


F Sig.








7.289 .001b
Residual 38269153






Total 93419607


  1. Dependent variable: employee’s work behavior and performance
  2. Predicators: (Constant): Organizational culture

Table: 8 coefficients








T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1.       (Constant)


















Decision on hypothesis two

From the above result, the value 0.768 with p-value of 0.001 at 5% level of significance indicates that organizational culture has significant effect of employees’ work behavior and performance. Therefore, hypothesis two is accepted for the research.


The study delved into the intricate relationship between organizational culture and employee behavior/performance within the context of the Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu. Through both quantitative and qualitative analysis, it was established that organizational culture, encompassing aspects like motivation, leadership style, and work environment, has a significant impact on how employees behave and perform their duties. Motivation emerged as a key factor influencing employee behavior and performance, with timely payment of salaries, childcare assistance, and welfare initiatives being cited as important motivators. Leadership style also played a crucial role, particularly in terms of honesty, integrity, and providing a sense of belonging to employees. Additionally, the study highlighted the importance of a conducive work environment, including factors such as cleanliness, spacious offices, and access to amenities like cafeterias and restrooms, in shaping employee behavior and performance. The findings underscore the need for organizations, particularly public entities like the Nigeria Immigration Services, to prioritize the establishment of a positive organizational culture. This entails fostering motivation among employees, adopting effective leadership styles, and providing a conducive work environment. By doing so, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and ultimately achieve their objectives.


In conclusion, the study demonstrates that organizational culture significantly influences employee behavior and performance within the Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu. Factors such as motivation, leadership style, and work environment play pivotal roles in shaping how employees behave and perform their duties. The findings underscore the importance of cultivating a positive organizational culture to improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and organizational effectiveness.


Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that the Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu should focus on enhancing organizational culture to improve employee behavior and performance. This can be achieved through: Implementing effective motivation strategies, such as timely payment of salaries and welfare initiatives, to incentivize employees. Adopting transparent and honest leadership styles that provide employees with a sense of belonging and trust. Creating a conducive work environment by maintaining cleanliness, providing spacious offices, and ensuring access to essential amenities.


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CITE AS: Anikeze Nnaemeka Hillary, Patience Nnenna Okoronkwo and Abonyi Jonas Uchenna (2024). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Work Behavior and Performance: A Case Study of Nigeria Immigration Services in Enugu (2015-2022). NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 3(3): 51-60.

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