Big Data and Financial Reporting Quality of Banks Listed in Nigerian Exchange Group
Ejiofor Emmanuel Onyeka, Ubogu Festus, Agbasi Evelyn and Lawren Edeh
Department of Accounting, Tansian University, Umunya, Anambra State, Nigeria
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact that big data has on the quality of financial reporting for companies that are listed on the Nigeria Exchange Group. Some of the specific aims of the study included conducting an investigation into the impact that the volume of data, the variety of data, and the velocity of data have on the quality of financial reporting. The method of research utilised in this study was a survey design. A total of twelve deposit money banks that were listed on the Nigeria Exchange Group as of the 31st of December 2023 were included in the study’s population. One hundred twenty members of the top management staff at twelve different banks were given well-structured questionnaires to fill up. The sample size ranged from twelve to twenty. For the purpose of determining the total number of respondents, ten employees were selected from each of the banks on the basis of their responses. Only one hundred of the questionnaires were returned, which is equivalent to 83 percent of the total number of questionnaires that were sent during the study. The obtained data were examined using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis, which led to the empirical conclusion that demonstrated that the volume of data, the diversity of data, and the velocity of data all have a positive and substantial effect on the quality of financial reporting in Nigerian companies that are publicly traded. According to the findings of the survey, businesses should make the administration of big data a top priority in order to enhance the accounting information they provide.
Keywords: Big Data, Nigeria Exchange Group, financial reporting
CITE AS: Ejiofor Emmanuel Onyeka, Ubogu Festus, Agbasi Evelyn and Lawren Edeh (2025). Big Data and Financial Reporting Quality of Banks Listed in Nigerian Exchange Group. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 5(1):1-13