Appraisal of Challenges Confronting Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Nigeria.

*Akpanke Richard Akwagiobe, Okpoko Mercy and Otudor Lovina

Kampala International University Uganda


Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method often commenced by express agreement of parties in a dispute. Arbitration has become an increasingly preferred method of settling commercial disputes and thought to have advantages over the traditional litigation. However, a problem could emerge where one party to the arbitration is unwilling to comply with the terms of the award.  In this case a successful party is left with no option than to use the enforcement machinery of the courts. This paper adopts the doctrinal approach in discussing the issues with the procedure provided for in the various rules of courts for recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. It also identifies the challenges inherent in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. The paper identifies other enforcement machineries outside the courts and concludes that arbitration, if not properly managed may ultimately cause delay in enforcement and become a time-wasting method therefore defeating the very essence of opting for arbitration instead of litigation.

Keywords: Challenges, Recognition, Enforcement, Arbitral Award

CITE AS: Akpanke Richard Akwagiobe, Okpoko Mercy and Otudor Lovina (2024). Appraisal of Challenges Confronting Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Nigeria. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT, 4(2): 35-44.