Volume 3 Issue 3 2023

Factors Affecting Utilisation of Antenatal Care Services Among Pregnant Women Attending Kitagata Hospital, Sheema District Uganda

Maniradukunda Christian

Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry Kampala International University Western Campus Uganda.


Factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services among women attending Kitagata Hospital, Sheema district, Uganda. To assess the knowledge about antenatal care services, level of utilization of antenatal care services, and socio-demographic factors affecting utilization antenatal care services among women attending Kitagata Hospital, Sheema district, Uganda. A descriptive cross sectional study design was used, in which 118 participants were conveniently selected to take part in the study. The study was carried out in Kitagata hospital, Sheema district. The study showed that only 86(72.9%) of the mothers were fully utilizing ANC services. More so, the study showed that lack of knowledge on various ANC services was a significant factor in causing low ANC utilization, at 19(59.4%), with an odds ratio of 0.2(0.01-7.12) at 95% confidence interval and p-value of 0.001. The study showed that a mother who was 18-25 years was more likely to utilize ANC 52(60.5%), OR (0.50(0.04-9.09); 95%CI: P-value 0.002, majority of mothers 18(56.2%), who were more than 25 years had a low ANC utilization. The study showed that a mother who attended ANC for checkup 62(70.1%), was more likely to have a good ANC utilization than those who would do ANC visit with an underlying morbidity, 17(53.1%), with an odds ratio of 0.2(0.18-8.31) and P-value of 0.014. There was basic knowledge of 55.8% and a low ANC service utilization among mothers at Kitagata hospital. There is a need for health education among pregnant mothers about ANC its componets and importance to enhance its usage, husbands should also be encouraged to accompany their spouses to health facilities for ANC services.

Keywords: Utilization of antenatal care services, Pregnant Mothers, Health facilities, Husbands, Health education.


Antenatal care is the care given to pregnant women so that they have a safe pregnancy and healthy babies [1]. The provision of antenatal care (ANC) services brings with it a positive impact on pregnancy as it enables the identification of risk factors and early diagnosis of pregnancy complications like preterm delivery and appropriate management, [2]. Globally, there are very low maternal/infant morbidity and mortality rates reported for developed countries, the positive impact has been achieved through screening for pregnancy problems, [3], Assessing pregnancy risk, treating problems that may arise during the antenatal period, giving medication that may improve pregnancy outcomes, providing information to the Pregnant woman, preparing physically and psychologically for childbirth and parenthood [4]. A minimum of eight contacts is recommended to reduce perinatal mortality and improve women’s experience of care [5]. In addition, ANC along with family planning, skilled delivery care, and emergency obstetric care, is a key element of the package of services aimed at improving maternal and newborn health [6]. Across developing countries, 1 in 4 pregnant women receive no antenatal care, and more than 40% give birth without the assistance of a skilled attendant. Therefore, to reduce child mortality, improving the health of pregnant women and new mothers is critical [5]. Yet according to the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2011, only 34% of pregnant mothers who give birth in the five years preceding the survey received antenatal care from a skilled provider that is from a doctor, nurse, midwives for their most recent birth. About six in every ten Ethiopian women (57%) did not receive any antenatal care for their last birth in the five years preceding the survey; about 10% of women were assisted by health professionals for their most recent birth [7]. Though in 2017 another study in Ethiopia found the overall coverage for antenatal care service utilization was 87.9% for women in their pregnancy time which is relatively good [8].

A study done in Kenya showed that timely and frequent use of ANC enables the delivery of essential services, including malaria treatment, immunizations, and health counselling [9].  Despite the importance of ANC, recent findings reveal a maternal mortality ratio of 435: 100,000 live births and a neonatal mortality rate of 29 deaths per 1000 live births and according to the report, only 8% of rural women in Uganda received ANC from a doctor. Regionally Southwestern Women were more likely to receive skilled care (20%), than Eastern women (3%), while only 2% of the women in Karamoja were reported to seek the same [10]. The Ministry of Health, Uganda in adherence to WHO recommends simplified antenatal care of four visits; First visit: occurs in the first trimester, between (10 – 20) weeks of pregnancy, the Second visit: was scheduled close to week 26 (20 – 28) of pregnancy, Third visit: occurring in or around week 32 (28 – 36) of pregnancy, and lastly Fourth visit (final visit): taking place between weeks 36 and 38 (>36) of pregnancy [11].In western Uganda, a study carried out in Kisoro found only 17% of the women in the study had attended the ANC clinic in the first trimester and 57% attended the ANC clinic in the late trimester, [12]. In Sheema District and Kitagata Hospital in particular, there was limited information and no published studies were found regarding factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services among pregnant women. Therefore, as suggested by [13], understanding factors affecting the utilization of ANC services in the community is required for program implementation. Thus the result of this study was of great importance.


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CITE AS: Maniradukunda Christian (2023). Factors Affecting Utilisation of Antenatal Care Services Among Pregnant Women Attending Kitagata Hospital, Sheema District Uganda. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES (NIJSES) 3(3): 22-29.