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Measuring Time Management and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Ruhinda North Constituency Mitooma District of Uganda

1Ngabirano Didas and 2Tukur Muhammad

1,2Educational Management and Administration, Kampala International University, Uganda


This study examines the relationship between Time Management and Students’ academic Performance in public secondary schools in Ruhinda North Constituency, Mitooma District Uganda. The study was guided by three research objectives, three research questions, and three research hypotheses. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The researcher used a mixed research method that consists of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population is 1888 participants which is made up of students, teachers, and headteachers. The total sample size is 330 respondents and this is obtained using Yamane’s formula (1967) of sample size determination. The researcher used purposive and simple random sampling techniques. A combination of secondary and primary sources was used to collect data hence a variety of research tools, including questionnaires, interview guides, and observation checklists were employed to gather the study’s data. The data was analyzed using the computer program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Ver 27). The researcher used Cronbach’s alpha index to measure the internal consistency of the set items. The findings of the study indicated that there was a moderate positive relationship between consistent timely attendance (r (300) = .58, r- critical = .113, p = .05); and consistent academic performance (r (300) = .65, r- critical = .113, p = .05) and students’ academic performance in public secondary schools. However, there was a strong positive relationship between effective study sessions and students’ academic performance (r (300) =.81, r- critical = .113, p = .05). The study recommended that; Students must be mindful of the time when completing their assignments. Students should make a strong effort to finish their projects and other academic tasks on time to avoid missing deadlines.

Keywords: Academic performance, Government, Public secondary schools, Stakeholders, Time management

CITE AS: Ngabirano Didas and Tukur Muhammad (2025). Measuring Time Management and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Ruhinda North Constituency Mitooma District of Uganda. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 5(1):71-81 https://doi.org/10.59298/NIJCRHSS/2025/5.1.718300