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Analyzing the Impact of Cigarette Pricing on Youth Smoking: A Comparative Study of Nigeria and Ghana

Eze Juliet Ijeoma

Department of Education Kampala International University Uganda


Smoking remains a significant public health concern globally, with substantial economic and health ramifications. Particularly concerning is the rising prevalence of smoking in developing countries like Nigeria and Ghana, where limited resources and inadequate tobacco control policies pose significant challenges. This paper investigates the relationship between cigarette prices and youth smoking in Nigeria and Ghana, utilizing empirical literature and data analysis to understand the effectiveness of price-based interventions in curbing youth smoking rates. The study underscores the importance of targeted tobacco control policies, especially focusing on pricing mechanisms, to mitigate the looming tobacco epidemic in these regions.

Keywords: Cigarette prices, Youth smoking, Tobacco control policies, Nigeria, Ghana, Economic impact, Public health

CITE AS: Eze Juliet Ijeoma (2024). Analyzing the Impact of Cigarette Pricing on Youth Smoking: A Comparative Study of Nigeria and Ghana. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND MANAGEMENT, 4(1):15-18.