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Exploring Phytochemicals for Diabetes Management: Mechanisms, Efficacy, and Future Directions

       1Chimezie O. Onukwuli, 2Chisom E. Izuchukwu and 3Ugwu Okechukwu Paul-Chima

1Eastern New Mexico University Portales NM USA

2New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas NM USA

3Department of Publication and Extension, Kampala International University Uganda

In the realm of global health diplomacy, diabetes mellitus undoubtedly poses a significant challenge. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to explore alternative and complementary therapies. Phytochemicals, which are naturally occurring bioactive compounds found in plants, exhibit distinct biochemical properties, rendering them promising candidates for diabetes management. This review focuses on the potential of various classes of phytochemicals, including polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, organosulfur compounds, and polysaccharides, in diabetes management. Each class demonstrates unique mechanisms of action, contributing to therapeutic effects such as enhancing insulin sensitivity, reducing carbohydrate digestion and glucose absorption, regulating antioxidant stress, inflammation, and glucose metabolism. While successful preclinical trials provide valuable insights, further rigorous clinical trials are imperative to ascertain the therapeutic efficacy, optimal dosage, bioavailability, and potential interactions with concomitant medications. Understanding the functional pathways of plant-derived substances is crucial, as it enables the formulation of precise strategies for incorporating them as dietary supplements for individuals with diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Phytochemicals, diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

CITE AS: Chimezie O. Onukwuli, Chisom E. Izuchukwu and Ugwu Okechukwu Paul-Chima (2024). Exploring Phytochemicals for Diabetes Management: Mechanisms, Efficacy, and Future Directions. NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES 5(2):7-17.